Meet Mamma Maria

While strolling along in a neighborhood together with some new acquaintances, I met a certain memorable lady. Former Bowling-Master (a few years ago), soccer-champion (a few decades ago), Linguist and Prison-Veteran, too mention a few. As unfortunate as we were, we stopped five seconds too long outside her house and got spotted. She quickly came out of her house, and even more quickly invited us all in. "Come on in, it's my birthday today!" Meet Mamma Maria! :).

93 years young, she makes her own food (literally - as she has her own little garden plot farming various vegetables). She doesn't buy clothes, she simply makes them herself. - I am not lazy! She exclaims, and even before I get to confirm it and agree, she continues in her German-Ukrainian English; - Oh, you don't believe me? Come here, I show you. *Wanders away into another room, shouts 'Come here!'* A room full of sewing machines and other tools is now revealed, and a large wardrobe stuffed with clothes. I can't help but smile, and think she has a tough mind and great attitude. Wish you all the best!


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