Reflections and some more....

I set out as a little lion cub…..curious of nature, clumsy and without caution as I moved my way through the landscape; my roar echoed my innocence..…… I was here to conquer it all… and out came a Lioness; with traces of her venture but yet wild and wise beyond her years!

Living Abroad
You come to the country as a stranger, then you have to start living as a chameleon and you will eventually leave a native.

Don’t try to understand it all… Living in a new country entails, different language, culture, food, smell, color and sounds and even body language. It demands of you trust and your willingness to change the color of your cultural skin.
So just follow the small signs and the kind smiles along the road, accept your vulnerability and innocence. You are now exposed to life and it has no censorship. Remember to be fickle because this is what you wanted!!!

Deep down inside you knew it… the second you saw the ad for this position, when you came up the stairs for the interview and finally when the moment arrived and you were given the opportunity, to create your own Dreamyear.
You knew that you had stopped growing and that you were standing in your own way! You wanted more…this is what you craved for!

Next to breathing, the Human needs to create! And in order to do exactly that one has to be able to take risks and expand, beyond mental barriers, cultural beliefs and geographical boundaries.

Freedom is given to all, but very few dare to really embody it ;)

Working for Aidcom has enabled me to grow professionally on many levels;
It gives complete freedom as it is a ¨up and coming¨ Company expanding internationally… Then it invites for innovation as the daily work is within media and technology and it finishes off with true independence; as this is your Dreamyear and it becomes what you make of it.
It has been such bliss to work with a group of groundbreaking professionals that everyday faces challenges and reaches the small triumph of being the pioneers in its field.

On a more personal level I have lived a complete life in one Year, I have learned more than I expected and the harvest of all my twelve moons (TROND) is richness beyond measure :)

The outcome
Taking the road less traveled up the mountains…..Visiting temples and ruins…learning the local customs and culture. Listen to the everyday concern and thoughts of The People....Soaking my feet in new shores…. Discover hidden waterfalls… resting my head under the shades of a tree..…. Taking up a new hobby… dance…..overcome the fright of water…… floating over a stingray…...snorkel in a underwater museum…...get lost in a water of colors.....Stretching my limbs…stretch my horizons… expand the SELF!

These all scenes from my adventures… but the true quintessence of an adventure are not the act itself… but the willingness to conquer it and to present myself at the doorstep of nature and the uncertainty. That creates the experience!

My greatest joy and outcome comes from the fact, I did exactly that throughout this year :)


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