What an adventure it was, and though it is bittersweet to leave I know
for certain I’ll be back! I could have happily have spent a full year in
Xalapa and no doubt still have called it a dream year, but it’s time
for my next destination, Ethiopia!! Here are some more memories and
pictures from my last weeks in Mexico :)
Exploring archaeology at Teotihuacan, just outside Mexico City, where I got sunburnt whilst climbing the pyramid of the sun.
A welcome spot of shade |
Pyramid of the moon as seen from the pyramid of the sun |
Walking through the extremely buzzling streets of Mexico city, stumbling on protests, and being surrounded by incredible murals, statues, monuments and architecture wherever I went.
The fine art institute |
Police presence near a protest in Mexico City |
Proud father, teenage daughter... |
Visiting Frida Khalos’ blue house, where I took a self portrait of myself with my camera in the very mirror she used for painting her own. Seeing framed butterflies over her bed, which her mother put there, to distract her from the pain and suffering she went through in her fairly short life.
Frida's blue house |
Having a beer on the floating gardens.
Spending time with my parents.
Heading to Plaza Garibaldi, known for Mariachis. Visiting its Tequila museum and then heading to a traditional show, seeing dances from all over Mexico performed along with traditional songs, the highlight being when my mum was serenaded by a Mariachi.

Experiencing Dias de Muertos, which FAR exceeded anything I could have imagined. I celebrated this with my friends over three days! On the first day in a haunted school, where the students had redecorated all the rooms and courtyards with traditional decorations and the only source of lighting came from candles and flashlights. They re-enacted tales and legends from Xalapa about lost souls, undying or impossible love, bullying, violence and fear – all with the underlying theme of death. The second day I revisited Naolinco with a group of friends, where highlights included tasting traditional foods and drinks made especially for this holiday, visiting a graveyard – decorated in candles and flowers- at night, being invited into homes to see the alters families had made for their loved ones, and observing people dressed up as skeletons /
Catrina. Mine and Emma’s’ friend Vlad,
a talented local artist, also made two portraits of us in the style of Katrin as a gift to remember Mexico by! On the final day I was invited to the family home of my friend Ely, where I got to dress up myself for the occasion, try even more delicious food and whack my first piñata :)

At the graveyard |
A family dia de muertos alter |
Emma and I as skeletons |
Going to a village outside Xalapa, Plan del Rio, to celebrate the festival of the virgin of remedies. Where I was invited into homes, fed till it was physically impossible to eat any more and even being sent home with scrumptious leftover tamales and mole! The night was completed by fireworks lighting up the skies.
In Boca del Rio |
And last but not least, spending my days laughing, eating, drinking coffee, beer and the occasional tamarind Margarita with this lot, my Mexican family :)
My Mexican family |
So to conclude I propose a toast to this fabulous country and its
people, "¡Arriba, abajo, al centro, Adentro!". To do this the proper Mexican way pour yourself a Tequila (or your favorite drink) and on Arriba (meaning up, raise your glass high), on a abajo (meaning down - bring the glass down low), al centro - bring your glass to the middle and "cheers" with those you are with. And finally Adentro (meaning inside) - bottoms up!
¡Arriba, abajo, al centro, Adentro! The "proper" way to drink Tequila :) |
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