On the air

It was a year ago when I applied for Dream Year. It is just incredible how fast time flies. I remember that day as it was yesterday. I was working for IBM in Germany and my contract was almost over so I started to look for some new options. I created a profile on LinkedIn and started to send my applications for different companies. I wanted to change my work and start my future career with humanitarian or development organizations to help people.

I simply typed ‘aid’ in the search field and to my surprise an offer from AidCom appeared. It was an amazing coincidence especially due to the fact that they were recruiting in that time! I read the description of the work and I knew it was a perfect job for me. Working on 4 different continents, 2 months of holidays, salary, flights and accommodation provided and what’s even more important I will be doing a job that involves helping people! I applied and shortly I got a positive response that they want to have an interview with me! Wow, that was great news. I was jumping in my room regardless the fact that I had no idea if they accept me. But at that moment I thought: ‘One step closer to my dream job.’

Then came the busy time of interviews, getting final response, acceptation!!! (Yeay!:)), preparation to the trip and finally arrival to Trondheim where all started. Now I am working for AidCom for more than 8 months doing some interesting projects and exploring the World.

Projects are very diversified and each Dreamer has its own. My main one is a video that on March 14th will have an official premiere! :) Yeay again! I am so excited about that and looking forward to publish it.

But there are several other projects that each Dreamer can be involved. One of them was a huge surprise for me. One day after arriving to Xalapa in Mexico one of my colleagues told me that she is in contact with some people from local radio and TV station. (Radio RadioMas Veracruz)

‘But well, what does it have common with me? – I thought.

I didn’t need to wait long for the answer. Few weeks later she asked me to go with her to the studio and have some interview about Dream Year!

‘But how? With my Spanish? Talking on live in the radio in language that I almost don’t know!’ – I was terrified!

But this is a year for doing things that you have never done before. This year I ate some delicious insects from local market in Mexico, was doing rafting in cold New Zealand’s rivers, tried some hang-gliding over mountains in Queenstown, drinking beer on the top of the skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur, getting to know some amazing people all over the World, crossing borders of almost 20 countries and what’s more important having always great time!

On February 28th so around 2 weeks ago I was in the studio waiting for that interview. Some small talk, short preparation and I even didn’t realize when I was already inside the room with headphones on my ears. Few seconds later and I got information from program presenter Norberto Galvan than I am on the air!

Now, writing this post I am in the air, flying from New York City to Stockholm and waiting for new adventures to come.

Before applying for this position I haven’t even thought that one day I will have an interview in Mexican radio, will be flying all around the World and have such an amazing time. But as you know, the reason for dreams is to make them come true. And I simply do, the same as you can.

So keep calm and apply! And #liveyourdream :)

For those who want to hear our interview:


  1. I think this is my favourite post of yours, Pepe - absolutely inspiring! Waiting for next ones!



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