as I see it, is not about collecting souvenirs, taking a selfie in front of a monument (though I can do that) or checking where you have been on the world
map…for me traveling, as life itself, is something else, something extra…like a
song you will never forget, a unique scent, fresh views, flavors, emotions… In
the new section #hiddentreasures we
want to share those special moments with you... Do you want to take a trip with us?

Ecseri is one of the largest flea markets in Budapest where everything can be found and everything is on sale, most of the time at bargain price: gramophones, books, carpets, old soda-water bottles, feathers, old copper mortars, buckled glass, tin soldiers, military honors… War related items and Soviet emblems can be found next to antique jewelry and maps, at Ecseri you feel part of an abundant past that has developed on its present decadence, you feel as if you are travelling in time. The people are not the most talkative but are genuine and to the point.
Ecseri is one of the largest flea markets in Budapest where everything can be found and everything is on sale, most of the time at bargain price: gramophones, books, carpets, old soda-water bottles, feathers, old copper mortars, buckled glass, tin soldiers, military honors… War related items and Soviet emblems can be found next to antique jewelry and maps, at Ecseri you feel part of an abundant past that has developed on its present decadence, you feel as if you are travelling in time. The people are not the most talkative but are genuine and to the point.
- “Poown!”
- “If you want some more extra it goes on the house”–he said and left.
Despite the 33 degree heat, walking towards different stalls was amazing, we learnt how a camera from the beginning of the XX century worked; we witnessed a master class of Hungarian and European history through its maps and invasions...
Old leather suitcases created the divisions between shops. The sun was beating down on the pavement when I saw an incredible collection of cameras.
- “All are working”- László told me.
We just started what I thought was going to be a superficial conversation due to his non-existent English but using some Italian and French and lots of willpower because we wanted to understand each other he asked me what was my job about. Well, information consultant for a Norwegian Company is not an easy thing to explain (I hope you already read Oliwia’s post about what our job is about) so I just said analyst. And then we were talking about politics.
- “How you positioned yourself in political terms?”*
- “Left wing”- I answered.
- “Those were the ones who destroyed my country”- he argued.
- “A fascist dictatorship destroyed mine”- I replied.
László- photo of the photo |
Then we realized; we were using the history of our countries to justify our explanations and like most things political views are relative to what we experience and often political positions is just the least bad option.
- “In life many times we are just searching for the contrary, thinking that it can be better, thinking that we are revolutionary and at the end we are not”- he said.
I didn't buy any camera but I will take that moment with me. At Ecseri you are not just buying objects; you are experiencing an interesting part of Europe’s rich history. Your understanding grows and your senses are over-stimulated.
In Budapest, Ecseri is the place to go.
*(All political systems differ per nature, so it is not possible to assume that we all share an equal concept of the so well known left and right wing)
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