The dancing underwear for Public Rights…….

It is important that when you first fight to be heard, to have your basic human needs met and to remind the system that there is always away outside of the system or the improvement of the system itself! You do it in such a way that it will not go unnoticed.
Well the Mexicans have found a very creative, fun and not to mention illuminating way to ensure that their opinion is picked up in a bustling, full of life everyday of Xalapa, Mexico.

¨ El movimiento de los 400 cientos pueblos¨ The movement of the 400 rural community is fighting for equality, justice and a way out of poverty with quite of a provocative methods but productive nonetheless. Gathering up in the town of Xalapa they strip down to their underthings, dancing away with the beats of Mexican ranchero music in the hustle and bustle of city traffic. This brings me to bursting laughter and the appreciation of the human creativity and the intelligence of fun even in the most serious circumstances.

Now… when you think demonstration of any sort I bet this is not the first that comes to mind :)


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