Birthday bash in the Palace

On Wednesday my newly arrived friend and myself are invited to celebrate my new friend Robbie's birthday. We meet up at his place and drive up in two charming Beetles from the good old days. We arrive at a white, majestic concrete gate and enter a drive-way filled with old, classic cars, a fountain and a stable with four horses. Welcome to the Palace! The inside is no less impressive; underneath a massive chandelier an old British taxi is parked, just for decoration. In a rococo sofa in front of a fireplace a few people are enjoying a hookah pipe. A wall in the second floor of the house is decorated with family portraits ranging from the 1920's until present. This whole building smells like old grandeur. After a few beers and a few rounds of pool, we are served delicious traditional food. Injera (a large circular sourdough bread), with tibs (well-spiced beef), alicha (cabbage stew with carrots and potatoes) and a simple salad.

After eating we leave the palace to go to Guy's Bar in Kazanchis, where the birthday boy's friends are waiting as a surprise. A few beers and some unwilling shots (tasting a lot like the cough medicine I was forced to drink as a kid) later, the celebration is complete! What a day!


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