A Pointed Pointer -->

(Many years earlier..) - Do you see the arrow in FedEx? He asked. - What? arrow? in FedEx? what do you mean? I replied. So I tried. Hard. Several times. And.. nothing.

So you're trying to break-through with your product or service. Penetrate that market. Get to a decision on that meeting. To close that deal, just get a job. And.. nothing.

Then, you stand there, thinking your friend had a bowl of mushroom soup too much, as he's now seeing arrows; or that your business is at the wrong time and place.

Ah! Suddenly the arrow appeared -- And it's even pointing the right way!

In that problem of a puzzle that seemed so weird and incomprehensible - void of all reason - now it has almost become impossible to not understand it, as it's very rational and makes a lot of sense. Then, you also know where to go to find the solution, and, paradoxically, going back actually becomes progress.

So, when you at times cannot see the arrow in your 'FedEx', let it be a pointed pointer of remembrance, one that will quickly stir you up and renew your vigor and determination; a remembrance that a pointer to the solution is always there, all you have to do is pick up on it, and follow the way that leads you there.


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