The art of traveling alone!

Do I master the art? Far from it!... But being alone on the road teaches you a lot about yourself! Things you never knew...

As I headed to Ko Tao, all seemed to go smooth... I met several travelers on my way. I got to travel with some, others were merely short encounters... One thing I had not anticipated though, was to find my self all alone on the Island, ill and miserable.

On this turtle-like shaped Island I got my first diving experience. Which was quite amazing. When I dived into the deep blue sea, inhaled the first breath under water, surrounded by corals, and colorful species, I was blown away. Little did I know at that point, what was about to come!

As I got out of the water and headed for the next diving destination, I started to feel unwell. I didn't know what was wrong. I tried to ignore the feeling and got into the water for the second time. The deeper I went, the worse I felt. Something was wrong, but I couldn't figure out what. I kept pushing myself, until the feeling of panic started to take over, and I had to get up!

Disappointed over my own performance I went on board the boat, with a promise: that all would go better the following day. On the way back I felt seasick. Even when I got back to my bungalow, my stomach was still unwell. Shortly after, I could not fight the nausea anymore. It was evident, something was seriously wrong. I decided to seek the clinic, just to make sure that it wasn't anything severe. The local medic announced to my astonishment, that I had gotten food poisoned!

Needless to say, the rest of my stay in Ko Tao, I spent in bed, drinking a lot of water, and surviving on crackers. All alone, miserable and ill! 

More about my trip on the next blog (I promise it won't be as depressing as this one!)

Sairee beach, right by my humble bungalow!

I spent a lot of time in this bungalow. More specific on the hammock, so I can't complain too much!

On this beach I got my first sunburn, EVER!

After spending a whole day vertically in bed and on the hammock, I figured, way not do that down at the beach? I could still take advantage of my stay in Thailand!

Which by the way was an excellent decision, despite the sunburn.    


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