Where am I going? I thought when sitting on a city bus, staring through the window at frozen streets of Krakow. I was coming back home from work. But my thoughts were sailing away to a completely different destination. Where it was warmer, where people spoke another language, which was far away from Europe.
It was winter 2013, days were dark and short. My body craved for sun. My soul longed for a change. I had a job, I had friends and family around, I was the architect of my life. But was I? I felt that the reality around me was making choices for me, I was not the captain of this ship, which was my life. I always had plans to change something but always postponed the decision.
Maybe...maybe I should sky-dive? This had always been my project but somehow I never took this idea seriously. I got off the bus and along with routine after-work activities forgot about everything. Until a few hours later when I was holding my voucher for the jump. My hand wash shaking not for the last time that year, I had many decisions to make ahead of me, far more serious than falling down from the sky.
A few months later I was boarding the plane to Beijing. This was the beginning of my 4,5-month backpacking trip. Two months earlier I had quit my job, had moved out from the city I had been living in on and off for 10 years, I said goodbye to my close ones and started realizing my age-old dream – going to Australia with some other destinations on the way. I did not have a plan for afterwards, I only knew I want the change to continue. And then, on my way, I found out about Dream Year 2.0 in AidCom and asked myself: How come those people have MY dream job? And here I am now writing about my road to the Dream Year.
What can I do? I am a Dreamer ... An insanely lucky one.
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